14 January 2011

Goodbye and godspeed, Trish

I mostly don't care to admire or idolize people I've never met - celebrities, artists, etc. - but there are a few. Trish Keenan, singer and musician of the band Broadcast, would be one of them. I really adored her. Beyond the fact that Trish and Broadcast made music I listened to literally on most days since first hearing them a decade or more ago, they also opened doors to fascinating new things that I hadn't been exposed to otherwise, from other artists (like pioneering psychedelic groups like The United States of America or Silver Apples) to other forms of media (like old weird obscure movies like Valerie's Week of Wonders and obscure Hammer films to obscure TV shows like The Owl Service). Obviously I'd never met her, but from the music, interviews and videos, I found Trish to be a vibrant, vital, gorgeous and beautifully talented human being. Maybe it is strange to feel personally affected by the death of someone I didn't know personally, but when one considers how personal music can be, and how it can permeate into one's personality, mood - soul, even - maybe it isn't so strange.

I'll still have the immortal music of Trish and Broadcast, and for that I am grateful. Goodbye, Trish.


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